This blog talks about our day to day activities in Taiwan and updates about baby Job from the day of the operation itself up to present.
APRIL 28,2011 8AM.
The day GOD has set before us. The most awaited day in Job's life. Sweet and Job went down at the OR together. Sweet hugged baby Job so tight before she enter the OR sterile area. She was anesthesized first. Thristian carried baby Job and laid him at the OR table as baby Job was given inhalational and IV anesthesia and eventually lost his consciousness.
The OR Waiting area
Thristian and Nanay stayed at this area the whole time during the operation.TV Monitor kept them updated about the operation.
This means that the operation was finished.Raymelia or "Sweet" and Job Tyrese was transferred in Liver ICU after the operation.It went smoothly and just lasted for 7 hours only for Sweet(Donor) and 10 hours for baby Job(recipient) .Usually,it takes 13 to 17hours for the recipient.

At the ICU Viewing area
Sweet and baby Job now at the Liver ICU still unconscious after the operation.After several hours, Sweet gained back her consciousness and was able to converse thru the ICU monitor.Stronger as they thought she would be.She is an ultimate example of pure,selfless love of a mother to his child.Baby Job opening his eyes for the first time after the operation and responding to voices during viewing time.Sweet and Job can just be seen thru the ICU monitor during time of visit(11am,2pm, and 8pm for only 10mins)April 29,2011
Sweet's mom and dad arrived from the Philippines via China Airlines.All flights fullybooked till the 28th.Then had taken pictures at the Liver ICU during viewing time.Sweet was discharged from the ICU two days after the operation.NGT,Foley catheter,IJ,O2 mask was removed. She still had peripheral IV,JP drain and of course PCA.Tears of Joy fell from Sweet's face as she went out of the ICU and saw her love ones waiting for Job's 2nd day in the ICU,still with a lot of contraptions and crying episodes because of painAt the Living Donor Lounge

Viewing baby Job,asleep at this time Sweet walking without assistance at this time and no more PCA but still with Thristian's company.Baby Job can now sit upstraight with less pain or discomfort.Less contraptions and no more IJ.He cried when he saw mommy and daddy on the TV monitor.Mom and Dad miss him soo much but happy with his good condition and recovery.Good news, Sweet'slatest blood works result improved,will be discharged from the hospital tomorrow.Contraptions all removed today.A sweet kiss for Thristian,her love and nurse 24/7.heheBaby Job busy playing with a balloon given by his nurse and of course Barney,his favorite toy and companion in ICUMay 6,2011 DOUBLE CELEBRATION
Baby Job 11month birthday and Sweet was discharged from the hospital today.She just stayed for 1 week only.Thristian cooked his special spaghetti and fried chicken and prepared yummy foods.Job's appetite is gaining back,can drink milk a lot
May 8,2010.Happy Mother's Day Sweet and Nanay!
Two wonderful mothers who are willing to give much of themselves for their family.
Baby Job's geting better everyday and now more active.He loves chocolate cake,his comfort food Marie biscuit,his ultimate favorite, and cake ball.hehe

Baby Job's bed in ICU.Malikot na matulog.
Baby Job's so happy today
His last day in ICU.He has all the reason to smile and play all day.Kissing Barney,his bestfriend for that!
May 12,2011
Baby Job was discharged from the ICU earlier than expected.YEHEY!He just stayed 2 weeks(usually 3 weeks).Stable Vital signs,Condition is getting better and improving,has good appetite and activity said by his doctor.No more yellow eyes and skin,tummy is smaller,Praise God!All sacrifices and pain are worth it!Nothing is impossible with YOU,our Lord
Chang Gung Memorial Hospital and our accomodation(furnished apartment) within the hospital's vicinity
Sign of LOVE.Sign of LIFE
*Recent update:
Baby Job now stays in the Ward at 10th flr Rm 1020C.The recipient stays 2-3 weeks in the ward post Transplantation. He still has a central line and has 2 JP (Jackson Pratt)drain. The intake and output is strictly monitored especially the drains and his weight. He has frequent bloodworks and daily abdominal monitoring. Reverse Isolation precautions and strict aseptic technique is observed all the time. Job shows a lot of progress in his condition after the operation. He is more active and playful than ever, such a happy baby! His appetite is better unlike before - he usually throws up when eating solids. His current medications are:Prednisolone, Azathiopine which are Immunosuppressant, Dipyridamole tablet, Cotrimoxazole capsule, Fluconazole capsule, Sucralfate gel, Albumin IV, Meropenem IV, Ganciclovir IV, and CMV antibody and Cyclosporine which is also an Immunosuppresant and should be taken at specific time without delay. Doctors informed us that Job will take anti-rejection drugs for a lifetime but the dosages will be decreased in time.*We as parents (Thristian and Raymelia) are witnesses on how God works His ways in JoB's life. JOB IS GOD'S LIVING TESTIMONY OF HIS AMAZING GRACE! He remains so faithful and never leaves us. We are rest assured that as he starts his young life everything will be according to God's perfect plan.Still we are praying for his continuous recovery here in Taiwan. Again, to people who made this possible, Thank You for being a part of this success!